Publication Supports
We provide our clients with them all publication support in the form of Manuscript & review publications, Systematic Literature Search, Conference & Meeting coverage, and Editorial helps.
Our team has vast experience in publishing articles and reviews in peer-reviewed journals and magazines.
Some of our selective activities are:
Patient data analysis and Publication
Abstract, Poster preparation for the congress
Manuscript Development for targeted Journals
Full-term editorial support towards publication
Submission checklist, Communication on Author's behalf
Clinical and Narrative reviews for publication
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) & Meta-analysis
Real-World Data & Pivotal Trials​
Writing Reviews, Clinical Compendiums, Case Series
KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices) Survey-based publications
Content and designing of News-letters & Brochures
Compiling & Capturing symposium, meeting reports & minutes
We provide customized solutions to each project and develop proprietary tools, for robust and comprehensive data analysis.
Our expertise include:
Software based Meta-analysis
Proprietary excel tools for survival curves
Statistical data analysis