Post-Stroke Spasticity Meeting
We finished a Expert Opinion meeting on Post Stroke Spasticity (PSS) Management. Role of Drugs and rehabilitation programs were...

Systematic Review of the Literature
MEDICEPTION expertise in drafting Manuscript based on Systematic Review of Literature. We have access to several database and assign...

Making Cost-effective LBLs
MEDICEPTION expertise in Content development, Designing and Publishing of LBL. Currently we work for many top pharmas for their Monthly...

Providing Virtual Database facilities
MEDICEPTION provides VIRTUAL_DATABASE facilities to pharma clients for Data collection, Monitoring & Analysis, at single site. This not...

Conducting Offsite / Onsite Webinars
We expertise is Conducting / Hosting Webinars (both Onsite & Offsite). So far successfully conducted many, for more than 1000...

Participated in Annual Malaysian Rehabilitation Medicine Conference in MALAYSIA.
#MEDICEPTION participated in 10th Annual Malaysian Rehabilitation Medicine Conference in PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA.

Collaborating in Annual Malaysian Rehabilitation Medicine Conference, Malaysia.
Attending 10th Annual Malaysian Rehabilitation Medicine Conference in PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA. MEDICEPTION is Medico-Marketing partner to...

Preparing & publication of a Diabetes Book for EADSG
#MEDICEPTION writing to a book on "Diabetes Mellitus: Knoweledge Saves Life" for EAST AFRICA DIABETES STUDY GROUP (EADSG)..!!

Publication of Diabetes Article
MEDICEPTION assisted Review on "Patent Selection for Premixed Insulin formulation in Diabetes care" has been published now..!!

Participated in EADSG Meeting, Kenya
MEDICEPTION representing the Participation at East Africa Diabetes Study Group (hashtag#EADSG) meeting in Nairobi, Kenya (11th-14th...