Collaborating in Annual Malaysian Rehabilitation Medicine Conference, Malaysia.
Attending 10th Annual Malaysian Rehabilitation Medicine Conference in PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA. MEDICEPTION is Medico-Marketing partner to...

Preparing & publication of a Diabetes Book for EADSG
#MEDICEPTION writing to a book on "Diabetes Mellitus: Knoweledge Saves Life" for EAST AFRICA DIABETES STUDY GROUP (EADSG)..!!

Publication of Diabetes Article
MEDICEPTION assisted Review on "Patent Selection for Premixed Insulin formulation in Diabetes care" has been published now..!!

Participated in EADSG Meeting, Kenya
MEDICEPTION representing the Participation at East Africa Diabetes Study Group (hashtag#EADSG) meeting in Nairobi, Kenya (11th-14th...

Collaborating with South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies
MEDICEPTION proudly announces our association with South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies #SAFES for Medico-Marketing and...

Publication of Our Diabetes Manuscript
Our Manuscript got accepted in #DiabetesTherapy. Congratulations to all, who were part of this project.

Covering Ad-Board in Mumbai
We finsihed a recent hashtag#Lymphoma hashtag#Advisory_Board meeting in Mumbai. Preparing for the hashtag#consensus_document for...

Live TAVR Case Series Study
Recently team witnessed a live hashtag#TAVR (Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement) by India's youngest TAVR expert having more than 200...

Meta-Analysis from Systematic Literature Review
MEDICEPTION expertise in Meta-Analysis, based on Systematic Literature Review (SLR) done. MA provides statistical power to the study,...

Preparation of Graphical Abstract to Publications
MEDICEPTION expertise and support pharma and Clinicians with Graphical Abstract towards their publication. During the final stage of your...