Real World Evidence (RWE) Ph IV Studies
MEDICEPTION specializes in carrying out Ph IV Post Marketing Surveillance (PMS) studies. PMS studies play an important role in collecting...

MEDICEPTION ranked 8th in top 10 companies
#MEDICEPTION has been ranked 8th in top 10 list of Gurgaon Companies, providing services to pharma industry.

Publication of article "SGLT2 inhibitors in Diabetes"
Recently, we published our article "Expert Opinion on Use of SGLT2 inhibitors in South Asian population". Its important to re-look at...

Preparing Case Studies - Ophthalmology
MEDICEPTION expertise in drafting casestudies across all therapeutic areas. We also do KOL profiling, Stratification, meeting to obtain...

Full Support to Ph IV PMS Studies
MEDICEPTION currently working on Clinical Study Protocols for hashtag#PMS studies for various pharma. Post-Marketing studies are gaining...

Publication of Our "Sulfonyl urea inhibitors for T2DM" article
MEDICEPTION recently published an article "Role of hashtag SulphonylUreas in management of hashtag#T2DM" for one of our sponsor. Readers...

AFRICAN Diabetes Guideline Published
Our collaborative paper in DIABETES THERAPY titled "EADSG Guidelines: Insulin Storage and Optimization of Injection Technique in Diabetes...

Expertise in Bio-Statistical Analysis
The correct statistical analysis of your data not only provide you the collecting, presenting analysis, interpreting data but also the...

Post-Stroke Spasticity Meeting
We finished a Expert Opinion meeting on Post Stroke Spasticity (PSS) Management. Role of Drugs and rehabilitation programs were...

Systematic Review of the Literature
MEDICEPTION expertise in drafting Manuscript based on Systematic Review of Literature. We have access to several database and assign...